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online services for international students, scholars & staff





Georgia State University International Student & Scholar Services

iStart is Georgia State University's web portal to immigration services, requests and benefits for our international student, scholar, and employee community. 



We are committed to maintaining support and service to you during this time and will continue to operate under normal operating procedures for the remainder of the semester, just from a remote and online platform.  This means you can call us directly or email us to request information and/or telephone/web appointments for advisement during our regular advisement hours.


For the Atlanta campus, please call 404-413-2070 or email at 极光加速器安卓.


For Perimeter campus, please call 678-891-3235 or email at 极光加速器官方网站.



Secure services requiring login with your institutional Network ID and password. These services include:

  1. View and update information on file
  2. Submit electronic form (e-form) requests for travel signatures, reduced course load authorization, program extensions, etc.
  3. Access alerts and notes on file that require action in order to maintain legal status


Limited services requiring login with your University ID number and date of birth. These services include:

  1. Limited student services like registration for orientation or SEVIS transfer-in.
  2. Limited initial intake forms for J-1 scholars or H-1B employees.

These services will NOT provide all the functionality of the full client services.

Limited Services

The following are additional services:

  • Administrative Services for University Departments
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